Recent SteadicamForum Articles
Provided as one stop access to useful resources, here are the latest feeds from the Steadicam Forum. Note, these are not my views, comments or posts and there is no further moderation done by myself. All links will take you off site.
This is a feed from the Steadicam Forum Page. Its a great resource, source of discussion and debate and sometimes a little odd! Fill your boots here but remember, (have I already said this?) these are not my views and I don’t necessarily share the opinions stated.
Nevertheless – some great new innovations, a little humour and used gear for sale. These posts are MODERATED but by forum moderators, not me.
Please remember that links on this page are off site and may require a Steadicam forum username to see details of want ad/for sale.
The full forum can be found here.
The SteadicamForum has a wealth of information set out in a structured and sensible way. Postings typically will relate to specific parts of the Steadicam and frequently will relate to operation issues and improvement opportunities. If you’re looking for a used rig or accessories this is the place to start. You’ll also get a steer as to the extent to which the kit you may be looking at is well regarded and high functional and technical quality.