Facebook not your normal destination?
Interested in Steadicam – you’re in the right place but on this page, its via Facebook!
This is a feed from the Facebook Steadicam Group Page. Its a great resource, source of discussion and debate and often a little more accessible than the Steadicam Forum. Fill your boots here but remember, these are not my views and I don’t necessarily share the opinions stated.
Nevertheless – some great new innovations, a little humour and used gear for sale. These posts are UNMODERATED.
Please remember that links on this page are off site and may require a Facebook account for you to view them or a Steadicam forum username to see details of want ad/for sale notices.
Still not had enough? You might also want to check out the ever informative resource at the Steadicam Forum. Alternatively, visit our resources page here to explore a world of links to manufacturers and suppliers related to Steadicam and Camera Operation.